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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

A Weekend Filming

On the weekend I went to a mates house to do some filming at his local BMX track just to test out a new camera and to test out some new accessories. I firstly I bought a new attachment for my camera that is meant to help you keep your filming more steady. (see picture). I found the attachment very easy to use. Was a simple design but very affective. For £20 I was very impressed what I got. The mount was made out of a light plastic. In an ideal world I would rather it to be a bit heavier to it could have more stability. But then again we don't live in an ideal world and it only cost me £20! The second item I bought was a arm extender. I mainly bought this for my go pro to give me some shots that I might not be able to get without the extended length. I used it for the shot when I am following ed on his bike. This made it very easy to get this shot. The camera was a bit heavy for the extender but it still turned out nice.

I posted a video that I did for Ed about 5 months ago at the same location. I compared the two videos and I am happy to see now that my editing and filming skills are progressing. I could clearly see that my camera would is much more stable and my use of camera angles are improving. My editing skills are improving swell. I liked most of the shots that I used in my latest video I but still know that I can do better. I have all these camera angles that I have in my head but I can't get it down on the day. Was limiting factor from the days filming was the light. In the morning the clouds were covering the clouds and it made it virtually impossible to film. Luckily the sun came out not for long but gave us enough time to film and get some nice shots.

I am trying to get better at photography swell as videoing and editing. One shot that stood out was this table top jump. Everything was perfect for this jump to get a shot on it. The light was perfect. The jump was perfect and Ed can pull some style over this jump! The shot turned out pretty sick! One of my favourite shots I have taken!
Enjoy the vid and stay tuned going up to Forest Of Dean soon to film the first round of the DH winter series.